
Trends In Graphic Design

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Trends In Graphic Design

Trends come and go, they emerge, some stay for years, others are more of a flash in the pan. They don’t start one year and end the next, rather than they shift until they fade out. It’s a process that frequently starts on the catwalk, and gradually moves to other areas such as graphic design, packaging, illustration, and home decor. A trend might be just entering one market, while it’s in full bloom on another market and fading in a third. It’s common to see trends that go in opposite directions, such as a futuristic, high-tech trend and a trend like the hipster beard, that’s more nostalgic, looking to the past for motivation. Trend spotting is a lot of fun, and a great way to infuse your work with creative ideas. 

The Flat Design

The flat design trend is described by a perfect, colorful look, big typography, white space, and subtle gradients. 

This trend has the staying power of a visual language that makes high usability and fast loading times. It’s also easy to mix flat design with more intricate or hand drawn artwork and photography, which makes the trend versatile and flexible. It started as a completely flat style, and has been upgraded including depth, light and shadow, and also motion.

Strong Typography
The Flat Design trend together with devices like the Glyphs application that make the production of fonts more easy and inexpensive, pave the way for dramatic and creative typography. Bold statements, playful sans-serif typefaces, and letter stacking. 

Whimsical Illustrations
Whimsical, hand dranw illustrations aren’t just for kids anymore. An example can be found in Dropbox ’sfriendly doodles that inject a playful human element. Illustrators continue to explore sketchy lines and brushstrokes, mixing their tools and techniques, digital and analog, and this leads to a broader range of illustration styles and use, including isometric projections and illustrated hero images.

The New Retro
Retro styles are inspired by the 80s and 90s, The Memphis Group, and arcade video games. Think about bold colors, pixel art, playful geometric designs and patterns

Photos and illustrations come to life with 2D animation and cinemagraphs. With just a flicker of movement, enough to catch our attention without diverting from the content, this is a hybrid of motion and still.

Geometric Shapes
The geo trend continues in 2016. Low-poly effects and sacred geometry shift into layered geometries and blend with the 80's influences of the Memphis Group’s design.

The print-inspired trend is likely to continue this year. Inspired by pre-digital printing processes, it displays slabs of colour, rich textures, and mis-print effects.