
Tips for Pitching the Media

By Unknown -
Tips for Pitching the Media

Particularly when you're just starting or growing a business, it's critically essential to get your name out there. You already know that your product or service is innovative, game-changing and indispensable.

Keep your pitch short and smart
If you're pitching a journalist in person, make your presentation shorter than three minutes. In case you're pitching via email, keep your pitch similarly short -- maybe just a few sentences or short paragraphs, with important contact information.

Grab our attention. 
Tell us why we should be writing about your company. What inspired you to start your company? Think about what the headline for your story is. Don't forget to communicate your passion for your product or service, which will help make your pitch memorable. 

Be relevant
Think beyond just what you (or your client) want to say, and think about how it fits into a larger trend. Telling a reporter about your client’s new product/service will be a much harder sell than talking to them about a new trend that your client is a part of.

Be Relentlessly Engaging
Make the writer or news maker fall in love with your pitch. General pitches generally don’t get landed. Make sure that your pitch is well written and colourful enough to make your client stand out.
Share your challenges.

It's tough being a business owner. We want to hear about the obstacles you're facing, especially if countless other entrepreneurs are facing them, too. And if you've found a way to overcome those obstacles, we want to hear about that, too. That way, we can shine a light on the problem and hopefully bring about solutions and even social or governmental change. 

Build a Social Media Rapport

My favourite pitching tip is to connect with the reporter on social media, as well. This works because their inbox is flooded with names of they don’t recognize.

Connecting with them on social media and interacting with their posts on a regular basis will get your name into their heads, so that when your pitches land in their inbox, they recognize your name.

Pitch the Story, not the Product
Pitch the story, not the product. Writers are looking for pitches that offer a story they can put their own spin on.