
Online Marketing
Internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the web and email to drive sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales leads from web sites or emails. Internet marketing and online advertising efforts are typically used in conjunction with traditional types of advertising such as radio, television, newspapers and magazines. Online marketing refers to a set of powerful tools and methodologies used for promoting products and services through the Internet.

Popular sites of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing can also be broken down into more specialized areas such as Web marketing, email marketing and social media marketing:
1)  Web marketing includes e-commerce Web sites, affiliate marketing Web sites, promotional or informative Web sites, online advertising on search engines, now- a- days web marketing became very popular in all aspects 
2)  Email marketing involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail messages to current and prospective customers.
3)  Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts via social networking sites like Facebook , Twitter, YouTube and Digg.

Online Marketing Benefits:
•  Growth in potential
•  Reduced expenses
•  Elegant communications
•  Better control
•  Improved customer service
•  Competitive advantage

Online marketing is also known as Internet marketing, Web marketing, digital marketing and search engine marketing (S.E.M).
•  Online marketing connects organizations with qualified potential customers and takes business development to a much higher level than traditional marketing/advertising. Online marketing synergistically combines the Internet's creative and technical tools, including design, development, sales and advertising, while focusing on the following primary business models:
•  E-commerce
•  Lead-based websites
•  Affiliate marketing
•  Local search
Advantages of Online marketing:
•  Low costs: Large audiences are reachable at a fraction of traditional advertising budgets, allowing businesses to create appealing consumer ads.

•  Flexibility and convenience: Consumers may research and purchase products and services at their leisure.

•  Analytics: Efficient statistical results are facilitated without extra costs.

•  Multiple options: Advertising tools include pay-per-click advertising, email marketing and local search integration (like Google Maps).

•  Demographic targeting: Consumers can be demographically targeted much more effectively in an online rather than an offline process.
The main limitation of online marketing is where goods are being sold, the lack of tangibility means that consumers are unable to try out, or try on items they might wish to purchase.
Online marketing has outsold traditional advertising in recent years and continues to be a high-growth industry.

Types of  Marketing  :

•  Viral Marketing
•  Email Marketing
•  Mobile Marketing
•  Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M)
•  Direct Response Marketing

Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is a buzzword for promotional messages that spread through social networks. Viral Marketing make some campaigns to find trendy messages and that messages are spread through different online channels including blogs, micro blogs, posts and so on. Generally  the goal of a viral marketing compaign is to raise brand awareness
Viral marketing is also referred to as viral advertising.

 Types of marketing
•  The Messenger: There is no hard-and-fast rule on the messenger that is most likely to set off a viral marketing campaign. Some companies approach trend-makers like celebrities and A-list bloggers to spread their message. That said, some viral marketing campaigns have succeeded depending only on organic re-posts and social sharing.
•  The Message: The message can actually trump the messenger if it is sufficiently compelling. A branded game that is addictive is likely to spread far more quickly than an
advertorial that requires less interaction, but more commitment
•  The Environment: Timing is everything in advertising, and this is also true of viral marketing. A company can have the right messenger and the right message, but it may not spread if the social environment is not right. A very basic example of this is that people tend to spend less time online in summer compared to other seasons. This means fewer potential carriers to propagate the viral message. This doesn't necessarily mean the campaign will not be successful, but it can be a factor.
 Viral marketing has become a mini-universe of buzzwords. People who share a viral marketing message are called sneezers and the actual message is sometimes referred to as a marketing

  Email Marketing 
Email marketing is the targeting of consumers through electronic mail (email). Often associated with data mining, email marketing can be used to impact consumers in a variety of ways. In general, email marketing is a more evolved, digital form of traditional direct mail marketing.
Email marketing is also known as direct email marketing.

Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is the interactive multi-channel promotion of products or services for mobile phones and devices, smartphones and networks. Mobile marketing channels are diverse and include technology, trade shows or billboards.

Mobile marketing is similar to electronic advertising and uses text, graphics and voice messages..

The terms mobile marketing and wireless marketing are sometimes used interchangeably. according to trend the mobile marketing is done it is quick and easy

 Channels involved in Mobile Marketing: 

  Location-based service (LBS): Exclusively for businesses within a user local area
 Augmented Reality (AR): Integrates digital business and product data with live video
 2-D bar-codes : Scanned vertically or horizontally to gather additional product information
 GPS messaging: Transmitted based on business proximity to user local area

 Other types of mobile marketing include websites designed for mobile devices and Bluetooth hotspot systems, such as movies. Short message service (S.M.S) is the most common type of mobile marketing, in addition to search engine marketing (S.E.M) and display-based marketing. Twitter is a primary indirect marketing player in a variety of businesses with short interactive communications via many Internet mobile device types.

Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M)
Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M) is a process by which multiple methods are utilized to improve market visibility and exposure for a brand, product or service. S.E,M mechanisms include Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O), social networking, bid placement, pay-per-click (P.P.C), contextual advertising, paid inclusion, geomapping , Ad Sense and Ad Words, as well as multiple media formats, such as YouTube and  Specific marketing, like Foursquare.

Types of S.E.M:
• Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O): Maximizes search result exposure by targeting and driving Web traffic and ultimately delivering increased sales. The majority of search engine page results come from unpaid or organic search. 
• Social Media Marketing (S.M.M): Focuses on branding, reputation enhancement and enhanced customer service via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Smaller SMM channels include Digg, Delicious, Wikipedia, StumbleUpon and MySpace.
• Paid Search: Examples of paid search include sponsored links, banner and sidebar ads, where contextually generated ads are based on organic search results

 Sectors to represent S.E.M:
 Consultancy/marketing services: 12 percent
 Retail: 10 percent
 Financial services (including insurance): 8 percent 
 IT, software and education: 70 percent

S.E.M increases Web activity in the following ways:
•    Engaging users
•    Driving traffic
•    Enhancing brand awareness and reputation
•    Increasing search engine result pages (S.E.R.P)
•    Selling products or services
•    Generating leads
•    Providing content for research purposes
•    Increases conversion rates

 Direct Response Marketing
Direct response marketing is a type of marketing that elicits a specific, measured response resulting from a consumer's direct response to a marketer. Direct response marketing facilitates the delivery of a call to action and outcome via direct or online interaction for immediate feedback and response.

Direct response marketing differs from direct marketing, where an advertiser directly contacts potential buyers.

Elements Of Direct Response Marketing:
Direct response marketing allows marketers to understand the performance of their products or services without undergoing a waiting period, as marketer-consumer interaction is nearly instantaneous.
•  A proposal
•  Ample information needed for customer consideration
•  A clear call to action
•  Traditional media, including newspapers, magazines and radio, are often used to generate direct responses and are less likely to receive strong response rates when compared to more interactive mediums.

Successful online direct-response marketing requires clear goal statements that achieve anticipated sales. Delivery, tracking and analytics software and techniques are used throughout the process of direct response marketing to garner solid and accurate results. Options for response via methods like a toll free number, email or Web page
Infomercials are geared toward gaining direct responses via the home-shopping industry, where a home-shopping expert or host presents an item to a TV audience to motivate quick product purchases. If interested, viewers respond via phone or Internet. 
