
Branding involves every aspect of communication you have with customers, staff and other audiences.

The way in which you deliver your brand across the material you produce makes all the difference. Here at Toast we have developed our own unique approach to delivering branding strategies for our client’s products, services and organisations. We don’t believe in just making things look good they have to work well and deliver noticeable results. We truly believe that your brand has a core business value and as such should be invested in and maintained to ensure continued growth and ongoing benefits.

Over the years we have helped a whole range of clients in a wide variety of sector achieve their goals and targets, from enterprise businesses, charities, pub companies and blue chip global businesses.

We have a clear process that we employ for all projects here at Toast, we call it Define, Think and Do.
Everything starts with the strategy, Define – where we sit down with our clients and work out a clear creative brief, looking at the who, what, where and why for the project. This ensures that all stakeholders in the project are on board and we have a full understanding of the project and what it’s goals are. Then we move onto the creative, the Think stage. We work with pencils and layout pads initially which allows us to get our big ideas down quickly without getting too precious about the look and feel, before moving onto the Do stage, where we take our chosen ideas on screen and through a few stages of refinement we get to the final designs.

This process  means whatever your branding needs we can deliver the best possible solution available. we don’t just make it look pretty, which ensure that it works smart too.

If you are interested in our branding strategies then you will be interested in our articles such as Logo and Brand Design for Startup Businesses and The Benefits of Rebranding.

Alternatively you can give us a call on +91 - 40 - 6512 - 2996 or fill in our contact form and we will get straight back to you

Get in touch today to discuss your requirements.