
How To Make A Good Ad

By Unknown -

It is important that business owners understand the basics of writing a good advertisement.

All businesses need promotion. I have seen thousands and millions of dollars wasted on ineffective, poor or outright bad ads—and I want to save you that pain. But most importantly, I want you to expand your business and effective advertising in all its forms is essential.

After all, you need new customers because without them your business will fail. The good news is that the core principles of how to produce a proper advertisement apply to practically anything you may want to use as a promotional tool.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Fliers and other mailers and handouts
Magazine and newspaper ads
Online advertisements (display, etc.)
Web sites, including those used with online advertising
And more.
It can take a bit of trial and error (testing) to build an ad or ad campaign that really works, but following these 11 tried and true tips can help you get the results that you’re hoping for.

1.What Makes You Stand Out From Your Competition?

People come in contact with advertisements from all types of businesses all the time.

So, what will make your potential customers buy your company’s product or service versus going with one of your competitors? That’s what you have to figure out and focus on with your advertisement. Show your potential customers why your business is their number one choice and why they shouldn’t even consider your competitors. Then, there is a good chance that they won’t.

2. Use A Powerful Headline: Grab Their Attention!

People scan things quickly. They come into contact with so many advertisements each day that they can’t possibly read each one. This is why you have to make sure that your advertisement actually grabs and keeps their attention.

You do that with an effective headline.

3. Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse!

Consumers love a bargain. So offer them a good one so that they’ll come back to you time and time again.

Whether you’re offering an unbeatable price, a free trial, free shipping or a bundled package, going out of your way to provide your customers with a good deal will help you be successful.

4. Talk About The Benefits – What’s In It For Them!

Explaining the features of your products or services is important, but explaining the benefits for the customer is really what it’s all about. After all, people are more interested in what they get from your services than what you do.
This is not complicated. Here’s what you do to figure this out:

List out all your services (or products).
For each one, list out everything that service (feature) does.
Then, next list out what the result of each feature is – the benefit for the client

5. Tell Your News: Create an Advertorial!

Webster’s Dictionary says that an “advertorial” is “an advertisement that imitates editorial format.” In other words, it’s an ad that looks like a news article!

Here is why this is important.

People are seven times more likely to read a news article than an advertisement.

People come in contact with regular ads all day long. There is really no incentive for them to read your ad if you don’t offer them more than what everyone else is offering.Creating an effective ad that grabs attention and provides plenty of information isn’t always easy.