
Web Development | Website Development

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Web development
Web development refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or Internet. The Web development process includes Web design, Web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.  non-design aspets of building web sites: writing markup and coding of content management systems or CMS

Web improvement refers to building, making, and a looking after websites. It incorporates viewpoints, for example, web plan, web distributed, web programming, and database administration

While the expressions "web developer" and "web creator" are frequently utilized synonymously, they don't mean the same thing. In fact, a web architect just plans site interfaces utilizing HTML and CSS. A web designer might be included in planning a website, however may also compose web scrips in languages, for example, PHP, ASP.

Moreover, a web designer may keep up and update a database utilized by a dynamic website
While there are a few strategies for making websites, there is frequently an exchange off between effortlessness and customization. In this manner, most vast organizations don't utilize content administration frameworks, yet rather have a committed Web advancement group that outlines and maintains the organization's website(s). small associations and people will probably pick an answer like WordPress that gives a fundamental website format and rearranged editing tools

Web development is also known as website development. 

Web development ranges from creating plain text pages to complex Web-based applications, social network applications and electronic business applications.

The Web development hierarchy is as follows:
•    Client-side coding
•    Server-side coding
•    Database technology
