
Rules To Become A Good Advertising Agency

Try not to choose in advance, "we require a thirty second radio advertisement, or we require a television promotion, or we require banner ads" or whatever.

Let them know what message you have to impart, and who you think you have to convey it to, and let them encourage you as to which media you ought to utilize, driven by both their vital bits of knowledge and their imaginative virtuoso.

A massive single word feature bulletin with an killer pic, for instance, might be the most emotional and successful ad you've ever run. In any case,if you advise the creatives in advance to think about a radio promotion, you'll never at any point to see it over your work area.

Try not to be excessively prohibitive about target audience
Innovative people aren't only inventive about creating content. They can be imaginative in a business sense too.Note in the past segment that we said who you "think" you have to communicate your message to.

In some cases target audience are firmly characterized – however some time they can be too firmly characterized.

Don’t write the ads for them
Especially don’t insist on certain pictures, shots or copy unless there is a very strong reason to do so.
Of course you can tell them certain details are mandatory, but don’t try and write the whole ad for them or lock them into a shape, format or tone that is so prescriptive that you are essentially stifling their abilities.

Let your agency fail. As often as they need to, to offer you greatness.
Some clients seem to treat each brief for an ad agency as if it’s a test – “Let’s see how you do with this one, and if you get any part of it wrong, watch out!”

Last but not least, do you LIKE the people you’re dealing with great relationships between client and agency invariably produce better work. Sometimes it’s that wine-soaked lunch where a brilliant idea pops up at 4pm.  Sometimes it’s an in-depth, heartfelt phone call at midnight.

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